
Showing posts with the label dymondia

Dymondia Ground Cover Seeds

You may be able to find elfin thyme in seed form. Asked jul 12, 2013 by anonymous | 1.4k. Dymondia around stepping stones Small backyard gardens Bright yellow flowers bloom in spring and summer. Dymondia ground cover seeds . Dymondia margaretae, superior as a low cover to the thymes, unless you want that wonderful thyme scent. Dymondia margaretae, commonly called silver carpet, thrives in harsh conditions, but if the soil conditions are wrong, the winters too cold or the predators too hungry, this ground cover will perish. This means each cell is about 1.5 inches square (depends on the vendor). Do dying leaves turning brown leaves falling off ripe leaf problems caring for plants soil type watermelon what does it look like seeds planting gardenia plant mango and avacado tree propagation questions cuttings planting schedule melon ripeness. Dymondia margaretae care size & growth. Dymondia is wonderful, but a few other lawn alternatives are worth consideration. It...